Taking Outfit Photos Without An Instagram Husband

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Was definitely an experience. It took me around 20 minutes of driving to various places that I thought may be quiet for shooting, to end up at the Church carpark, which is less than a five minute walk from my front door. But, once I mastered the nerves of looking like a complete wally to passers by, I came up trumps with some ‘better than expected’ photographs for this outfit post, which I was pleasantly surprised with. I also shot my own photos in these recent posts here and here too (after my first attempt in today’s post).

So, I thought I would quickly share with your five essentials for shooting your own outfit photos without having to have your Instagram husband on hand. I for one hate feeling like I am harassing James to come out with me to take blog photos. And I have decided to make an effort in being an ‘independent woman’ that Beyonce would be proud of.


Mentally prepare yourself for some possible weird looks and fears that someone will run off with your camera. I am sure it is not just me who had this manic thought before leaving the house. But, to feel at your best, make sure you are wearing an outfit you love. Which is why I went for this GANT sports luxe dress, which is from their fabulous Rugger collection for Spring / Summer 16.


Buy yourself a sturdy tripod – I have this one here – to set your camera up with safely. As you wouldn’t want it falling off a wall whilst trying to focus on your shoes!


Using a camera remote to take your photos, rather than using the self timer option, definitely makes life much easier. This will save you having to try and focus your camera on manual before aptly – or, if you are me, awkwardly – jumping into what you think is the frame. Also, try to hide your camera remote from the shot. I need to practice this for future posts #BLOGGERFAIL (see the photos below and whether you can spot it!)


Find a location to shoot where you won’t have someone walking past every 5 minutes. Or, to start, take some shots in your garden or at home to practice your angles and build up your confidence for shooting your own outfit photos.


Have fun with it! I actually didn’t even think about the odd person walking past when I had set up and started to shoot. I also tried to capture some moving shots – let’s just say a few were rather amusing – so I am going to be challenging myself to master some self shooting poses.


What Do You Think Of My First Outfit Taking Attempt?

On my next solo outfit shooting expedition I will be trying to find less awkward poses with my hands to hide the camera remote and I want to master a full length shot. As I found it was a lot easier to get the 3/4 shots and to get the composition close to what I was after. If you have any solo outfit shooting tips, I would love to know them in the comments below and happy snapping…

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