Taking outfit photos for your fashion blog without a photographer

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With my inner Beyonce in tow I stepped out again last weekend with my tripod and drove around the corner to our local school to take shots of this outfit. I used my Canon 6D camera, which I would highly recommend for taking your own outfit photos, as the screen flips out so you can see what you are doing. And personally, I think it gives a better end result than shooting with the iPhone remote on my Olympus Pen 7, which I used on this outfit post hereWhat do you think works better?

After getting re-aquianted with using my tripod and camera with the remote for something other than filming. I feel like I have managed to take some shots that turned out OK, although I wasn’t able to get as many action shots as I can with some one else shooting and it took me twice as long to get 1/2 the photos than usual!

Below are some things that I have learned:

Charlotte Buttrick thirty year old UK fashion blogger

Radley Beaufort medium handbag on style blogChicwish pom pom jumper, Radley Beaufort bag, Nike sock dart trainers and Kapten & Son aviator sunglasses on fashion blogger Charlotte Buttrick from Lurchhoundloves.

taking your own blog photos tips on fashion blog

pink pom pom jumper from Chicwish on Lurchhoundloves style blog

A Remote is your new photographer

I am sure you could focus on one point, set the timer and then run in front of the camera. But, I don’t think it would have such a good final effect and you will probably end up breaking into a sweat or missing the shot! So, if you can go for a camera that allows you to shoot photos with a remote.

A handbag (or handheld prop) is your best friend!

I was able to hide my camera remote in my lovely new Radley Beaufort handbag or in my hand whilst holding it. BTW, does it remind anyone else of a Saint Laurent Sac De Jour? It has curbed my cravings for one at 1/10th of the price!  So this time around I think I managed to avoid having an awkward remote on show in my hands – as I did in this post here (if you can spot it?) If you can have something to hold in your hand it will allow you to hide the remote out of view.

Move on the spot

Usually I like to twirl, spin and walk around as James shoots my outfits. But, with the camera being stationary and the remote being temperamental with it’s focus – I was also unable to get the remote to work with multiple shots on my Canon camera – I tried some still movement shots in two ways:

1 If I am confusing you with this statement, I purely mean that instead of walking forward I put one foot in front of the other and “pretended” I was walking forward, staying stationary. Think slow motion and positioning your feet and body where they would be if you were moving then point and shoot!

Moving on the spot works with your camera and tripod, which was great fun shaking my pink poms poms from my Chicwish pom pom jumper and tassel skirt combo. As you are in focus if you move on the spot, you should be able to get the action shot you are after.

Kapten and Son Aviator Glasses on Charlotte Buttrick from Lurchhoundloves fashion blog

how to take your own outfit photos without a photographer

Rotary Les Originales watch in steel on style blog ukhow to take outfit photos by yourself - fashion blogging tips

Stay Comfy

Wearing comfortable shoes whilst you get the hand of taking your own outfit shots will stop you from going over on your ankle or having an accident. I went for my comfortable Nike Sock Dart trainers, which are now available to buy in a range of colours from JD Sports here. I also love a good pair of trainers as well – as you probably already know!

Use Your Mouth

Now you may look rather silly to passers by: but who cares if you get the shot! When my head wasn’t in the view of the camera and I was taking close up shots of my outfit I placed the remote in my mouth so it was out of the shot completely: Beware, this involves some juggling if you are holding a bag or shooting jewellery shots, as I was trying to capture my classic Rotary watch.

Practice Makes Perfect

As with anything, the more practice you get and different angles that you try, the better your photos will become. Going forward I am pretty sure that my outfit photos will be a mix of those taken by James and those by myself. If you spot this background then generally I have shot them myself. As no one really walks past this area and before my confidence grows to be “that weirdo with the tripod” I will continue to stick to my comfort zone.

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How Do You Take Your Blog Photos Without A photographer?

Let me know your tips in the comments below…