Loving Your Shape & Changes In Your Body



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Getting Used To Body Shape Changes

Overtime our body shape changes. From puberty to old age, weight loss and weight gain to pregnancy, cosmetic surgery and working out. When our body’s change shape so do our perceptions of ourselves, both bad and good. Whether you can relate to any of the above changes to your body shape, hopefully today’s post and my experience will resonate with you some way, shape or form.

I am currently nearly two weeks post boob job and I still am adjusting to seeing a full breast staring back at me in the mirror. I didn’t know what to expect post surgery, as I’ve never had boobs. I’ve had flash thoughts that ‘OMG they are too big’ to, ‘they look in proportion with my body’ and ‘wow, they look smaller in clothes’. But I still have a long way to go, perhaps 3 months or more until they drop and settle. So my body shape acceptance and perception will constantly be a process that my mind will have to adjust to over the coming months.

Thanks by the way for all of the kind comments and support I have received following my #boobjobdiary over on my Instagram @charlottebuttrick and my last blog post, which you can read here as to why my boob job was a long time coming. If you have any breast augmentation questions get in touch here or the comments below. I’m planning on doing a Q&A post for anyone who is also considering a boob job or is just generally intrigued. I like to feel I am open and honest with you lot, although I obviously get that not everyone is in favour of cosmetic surgery, which of course is fine too.

Life would be boring if we all had the same opinions wouldn’t it?


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Feeling confident in a new body

Since my boob job I have had to revisit my wardrobe, as some of my clothes simply don’t fit across my chest anymore. I used to buy a size down so they would fit on my chest. Meaning I can now fit into my size 10 tops, filling both the bust and the shoulders! Same for my bras. I can literally burn my AA triangle bras and in about 8 weeks time – as I am currently in some rather sexy recovery bras for the foreseeable future – I can get measured for the first time in my life and go underwear shopping!

So one tip I would say for getting used to a new body is to buy/wear clothing that you feel confident and comfortable in. Clothing that hugs your body shape in the right places or loosely covers areas you are conscious of, it is your personal preference. Look good, feel good. For example, I will probably be testing different items of clothing over the next coming weeks, until the swelling settles and my boobies start to drop. Then I will be more likely to try lower cut dresses and tops. Basically, if you feel most confident in a bikini then wear one, or if you feel you want to hide under a baggy jumper then do it. Dress for you and in whatever makes you feel at your best. At the end of the day, it is all about YOU and your happiness, not other peoples’.


Another way I like to feel good about myself is working out. Which, I am unable to do at the moment. From next week I can slowly introduce light lower cardio into my routine but I can’t hoover let alone lift weights for 6 weeks or more. I have also been quite free during my recovery in terms of diet – it went out the window for a little bit – eating everything in site and having every possible type of takeaway whilst binge watching 13 Reasons Why season 2 on Netflix. I am back on a health kick again now, as we all have our own body hang ups and I personally feel uncomfortable when I have too much ‘fast’ food/’unhealthy’ food, as it messes with my digestion and gives me a bloated, hard and uncomfortable belly.

Where possible, try to fit in a form of exercise that you love into your weekly routine. This could be walking instead of getting the bus, cycling, swimming, lifting weights or playing sport. Again, do what you love, be active and feel good about yourself 🙂


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Thanks for reading today’s post. I am not sure how long it will take for me to get used to having boobs, but I wanted to address my current thoughts on dealing with a new reflection in the mirror with you guys. I also think that if you don’t like something then change it (but that is my personal opinion). I would love to know if you prefer posts with a more personal angle or think pieces (well what I am thinking about) in addition to my favourite styles and ways of dressing? That being said, I wish you all a fabulous week! I am off to Chester with my friend – a fellow Charlotte – at the weekend, so I cannot wait for some girl shenanigans 😀