Why I Fake Nothing

Blue Diamond Ring from Gemporia on fashion blog lurchhoundloves

“You Don’t Have To Fake It To Make It”

I am a sucker for silver jewellery and I am a firm believer in paying that little extra for real silver and diamonds / gemstones that will stand the test of time. To not leave you with a gammy looking green or brown stain on your fingers or wrist. Which isn’t ‘très chic’.

New to my growing dainty jewellery collection is this gorgeous blue diamond ring from Gemporia, which has diamonds that are approximately two billion years old set into a sterling silver ring. I chose this gorgeous piece when I was kindly asked to take part in their ‘Fake Nothing’ campaign, to share with you lovely lot my concept of the phrase.

blue diamond ring jewellery on style blog uk

Gemporia Blue Diamond Ring - Fake Nothing campaign

What “Fake Nothing” Means To Me

For me, ‘fake nothing’ has become something that has become more prominent in the last six months of my life. Whether this has come from my age (as I creep ever closer to thirty years of age!) Or from having a taste of the finer life and seeing truly how investing in higher quality and priced items normally last longer and stay in better condition. Which means that you buy less of the same thing…unless you become addicted to buying designer handbags and shoes in the sale like me, whoops!

As well as my wardrobe, the motto ‘fake nothing’ has also been applied to my personal and professional life. In a sense that I won’t change myself for someone to like me or for a brand to work with me. I stay true to myself, my personality, my tastes and I am not afraid to say “no” or that something is not suitable for me. So, if that means that I have to turn down an amazing opportunity because it is not my style, or my aesthetic, then so be it. I would rather that than be fake to my audience just for likes, coverage or money.

Keeping things real, what Does ‘Fake Nothing’ mean to you?

rabbit silver ring stack holder on fashion blog uk

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Thank you to Gemporia for asking me to be a part of their ‘Fake Nothing’ Campaign. All images, thoughts and words are my own.