Embracing Change and New Beginnings

UK Fashion Blogger Charlotte Buttrick in Jigsaw blazer and Mango striped t-shirt with faux fur bag on Lurchhoundloves Style Blog

Claudia Bradby Pearl Necklace on style bloggerStyling a longline blazer on UK Fashion Blog Lurchhoundloves

High Street Style Blogger Charlotte Buttrick from Lurchhoundloves Profile

Mango Circle Loafers and Faur Fux Bag on Lurchhoundloves Fashion Blog Street Style Inspo

Change is Scary. Change is Good. Change is growth. Change is a fresh start and a stab at new beginnings.

Although the word ‘change’ is very daunting. Whether you are going for a drastic hair cut, switching careers or simply changing the style of clothes that you wear. Change is an exciting opportunity to challenge yourself and evolve. And it is something that I am fully embracing as the clock ticks closer to February 26th and an epic milestone in my life as I turn dirty thirty. And it is exactly that to me: a dirty word.

The big 30 fills me with fear that I am going to suddenly become irrelevant to my readers that are still in their twenties. That I will wake up one morning and look in the mirror and notice a thousand more wrinkles appearing on my forehead. Panic will set in that I haven’t accomplished everything I wanted to in the first thirty years of my life. Best make that 30 things to do ‘when’ i’m thirty instead of ‘before’ list.

But, after a big deep breath. Taking it all in. Accepting that my life is going through a period of change. I can learn to deal with it step by little step. And I definitely have done a lot of growing up recently. Especially in the past 6 months of this year. From removing toxic friendships in my life, to putting myself first every now and then and trying not to give two f***s about other people’s opinions.

FINALLY I feel ready to embrace change. Something I have always been so scared of.

To celebrate my new found freedom in accepting change and practising positive self development. Today I am listing the things that have changed in my life, which I am excited to embrace.

How To Wear A Longline Blazer on fashion blogger with Jigsaw

Wearing Jigsaw longline blazer coat with stripes on fashion blog - tailored casual outfit inspiration

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Hover & Click on the images above (right) to shop & for more outfit details

UK Style Blogger wearing Claudia Bradby pearl earrings and necklace by Charlotte Buttrick from Lurchhoundloves

Lurchhoundloves 3.0

There has already been a Lurchhoundloves 2.0 (well, in fact there has probably been about 5 or 6 different templates I have dabbled with in the past). As I am turning 30 soon, I feel like version 3.0 is much more suitable to some changes that will be and have changed around here:

1. You may have noticed my swanky new custom blog design, which I am hoping is easier for you to navigate and find the categories that you are looking for with ease. What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

2. Weekly Fashion Favourites of my top picks to shop (mainly on the high street) can be found here. And will hopefully help you curate a wardrobe that you love.

3. Filming videos is also becoming a love of mine. And weekly Youtube uploads share my style in a different way and lets you get to know me on a more personal level – subscribe to my channel here.

My Evolving Style

I have definitely found with age that I have discovered my true sense of style. Of course, blogging has enabled me to dabble in a few different trends and to really find my fashion niche. But I think my outfits – view them all here –  have grown up a lot over the past year and I am now an advocate for “less is more”. I really do believe in investing in important wardrobe staples – as you may have noticed from my growing handbag collection!

Classic styles are always investments that won’t fade with the times. Take today’s look for example: sophisticated tailoring from Jigsaw with Parisian stripes added for a touch of chic, finished with stylish flats and a modern take on classic pearl jewellery by Claudia Bradby. I feel as though I finally get my style, what suits my body shape and to think about how many wears I will get out of an item before buying it. And I hope that this transcends into my outfits and tips that I can offer you lot, my loyal readers, both old and new.

Self Development

Talking about self help is still seen as a taboo. There would be a time I wouldn’t dream of reading a self help book on a train, or even admitting that I had bought one. But after reading self help literature, I am a firm advocate for working to better yourself and not being ashamed to admit your flaws and when you are struggling with something. Recent reads include:

The Life Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F**K by Sarah Knight

How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The above have helped me to be more confident, challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone.

Styling a longline blazer - how to wear a striped t-shirt with tailoring - UK Fashion Blog Lurchhoundloves

Modern pearl necklace and pearl earrings by Claudia Bradby on Fashion blog - jewellery gift ideasJigsaw Compact Wool Coat Blazer in Putty worn on fashion blogger Charlotte Buttrick from lurchhoundloves.com

High Street Fashion Blogger Charlotte Buttrick from Lurchhoundloves.com

Time For More Change & New Beginnings

Alongside this, I am also learning not to apologise for being me. Not to be afraid to be myself for fear of what others may think. And not being scared to change something I am unhappy with, due to worrying about other peoples’ reactions.

As I sit here and write this post, I have already made a big decision to change something that I have been unhappy with since my teen years. It is something I wish I had of had the confidence to do years ago. But, I am excited to finally be doing something for myself and stepping closer to being able to love myself over 10 years on. Although I am not going into detail in this post (as I’ve already rambled on…as usual), in the coming weeks I will be sharing this with you over on my Youtube channel across a few videos, which you can subscribe to here so my videos pop up in your feed, if you haven’t already.

Perhaps turning 30 won’t be that bad after all. Here’s to change and new beginnings!

Jigsaw Wool Blazer and Trousers - Suit Tailoring outfit ideas - worn by UK Fashion Blogger Charlotte Buttrick from Lurchhoundloves with Mango Circle Loafers


*Blazer *Trousers*Earrings & NecklaceLoafersBag