How to Stand Out as a Fashion Blogger

Chloe Lewis for Little Mistress Black Jacket
In the past few years we have seen the importance and impact that bloggers have in the digital world and media on the rise. Which, in turn (alongside everyone now being active online), has increased the amount of people now blogging about fashion and style and every other niche there is.

How do you stand out from the blogging crowd?

Today’s post is here to offer you my tips for helping you find your place in the online world and ways in which your fashion blog can stand out from the crowd. For new and existing fashion bloggers alike, as it is never too late for a re-brand or re-focus of your content offering.



What Is Your Brand / Mission Statement?

To begin with, sit down and really have a think about what your blog has to offer your readers. Or, what content you would like to be created or known for.

For example. As I work in SEO for my day job and I have an interest in personal style – mainly wearing high street clothes, with a few designer investment pieces thrown in. I decided to have a re-brand this year along with my new blog design to turn Lurchhoundloves into a high street fashion / SEO and blogging tips blog.

So, if I were to have to label my blog’s mission statement with three phrases of what I offer, it would be:

High Street Fashion style inspiration

High End Investment Staples

SEO & Blogging Tips to help improve your blogging game

What three words / phrases describe your brand / mission statement?

street style inspiration on fashion blog

leather backpack and pom pom on fashion bloguk fashion blogger Charlotte Lewis

monochrome street style on fashion blog



Choose Your Fashion Niche

Of course, there is nothing wrong with being a lover of eclectic fashion and trying your hand at everything. But, in order to help your readers know what they can rely on your blog for – and to stand out from the crowd – it helps to define what your style is and choose your fashion niche.

For example:

Do you want to blog about luxury fashion?

Are you a great bargain hunter or lover of vintage / thrift clothing?

Are you a minimalist?

You can even be more than one of the above, but try to pick a main theme for your fashion blog. For example, I would say that people who follow my blog probably know that I am:

1 – A Lover of trainers and sporty styles

2 – More of a minimalist with muted colours (with the odd experimental colour splash)

3 – A fan of high street fashion with the odd investment wardrobe pieces thrown in.

What do you love blogging about? And How Would you define your style?



Become A Social Star

Social media really is your best friend if you are a blogger. It is the best medium to get yourself out there and to promote your content. I think this is obvious from the amount of people deemed as being ‘Insta Famous’ and the fact that with social media – especially Instagram and Twitter – you can reach people all over the world with a simple tweet or photo post.

Top tips for getting it right on social media include (but are not limited to):

Have a consistent brand message / theme on your account. From your bio to your preferred filter. 

Share Great Content & Good Quality Photos

Interact with your community

Utilise hashtags and what’s trending

Show off your personality!

Follow me on Twitter here @CharlotteLewis_ & on Instagram @charlottebuttrick



Create Quality Content


To stand out from the fashion blogging crowd you need to create great content. From photography to your advice and words on the page. Offer your readers information that they can digest and will find inspiring and/or useful.


how to style a back packCharlotte Lewis Lurchhoundloves Fashion Blogger


clear glasses worn on fashion blogger



Take advantage of SEO

This leads me on to my next point. As well as creating great content you want to also ensure that this is optimised for SEO. From your site’s general template and design to meta titles / descriptions and image alt tags. Increase the performance of your content and the amount of people who can find you through practising SEO.

Click To Read my article: 5 On Page SEO Tips For Bloggers



Connect With PRs and Build Relationships With Brands

Now this deserves a whole blog post on it’s own. But you don’t always have to wait for brands and PRs to reach out to you. If you have a great idea and you think a certain brand would be a great fit for your blog and readers. So there is nothing wrong with reaching out and introducing yourself.

As they say:

“It is not what you know. It’s who you know.”



Think Outside of The box!

If all of the above fails, think out of the box!

Shave your head, start a crazy new fashion trend or even go naked (Ok, lol. I am only kidding with these points, but I am sure they would definitely get you some attention!)

By thinking out of the box, try to create something new or build on your own ideas. There is no formatted way to fashion blogging and there is no right or wrong way of doing it. Just be creative and continue to share what you love doing online.


Monochrome outfit street style

Nike Cortez Street Style
style blogger lurchhoundloves in monochrome layered outfit


Will You Stand Out As A Fashion Blogger?

Have you found my tips on how to stand out as a fashion blogger helpful? If so, please do tweet and share this articles with your fellow bloggers and followers 🙂

(P.S. there are easy buttons to do this with below the post)

Also, you can brush up on your SEO skills in my dedicated blogging tips section here.