How to double your blog traffic with 5 simple steps

Triple your blog traffic with these easy seo tips

Want to double your blog traffic?

Of course you do! In today’s tips posts I will be sharing with you five simple steps that you can start today, which will help to increase your blog traffic. If you find this post useful, please feel free to re-tweet, share, leave a comment, or let me know what SEO / Content questions you want answered.

Now, on to the five simple steps that can double your blog traffic…


Write Catchy Blog Post Titles

Did the title of this blog post entice you to click through to this post? I thought it might have.

Think of your post titles as a newspaper or PR headline. Is it something that you would be intrigued to find more about? If the answer is no, then maybe you should have a re-think or re-shuffle of your blog post title, in order to attract more traffic.

For example: I decided to swap ‘increase’ for ‘double your blog traffic’ in this post title, as I thought the choice of words sounded more intriguing. Plus, if someone promised ways to double my blog traffic, hell yeah i’d want to know!

But, remember not to make up a load of baloney that doesn’t relate to your post in order to attract clicks, as they will just immediately turn away and affect your blog’s bounce rate.


Host a Giveaway

We all want something for free right?

One easy way to increase your blog traffic and gain more followers in the process, is to hold a giveaway. By choosing a desirable product for your giveaway, you will have more people wanting to enter to win. Therefore, directing an influx of new traffic to your blog.

In order to keep some of these new visitors, make subscribing to your blog feed, Bloglovin or Twitter / social accounts a prerequisite for entering your giveaway. That way, some of your giveaway traffic will return to your blog for future posts.


Keep on top of your blog’s SEO

Are you optimising your blog for SEO?

In order for a visitor to click through to your site, they need to be able to find you in the first place. One of the best ways to attract blog traffic (and generally the largest volume of your traffic) is via Google and other search engines.

If the word SEO simply scares you, you can read all of my previous SEO tips blogs posts here.

olympus pen 7 on fashion blog

Be Savvy With Social Media

Are you taking full advantage of your social media channels?

Your social media accounts are a great way to connect with other bloggers, like-minded people, industry experts, existing readers and reach out to new readers too. Make sure that you are sharing your blog and new content with correct links through to posts and that all bio links (for example on Instagram) are up to date and lead people to your blog or chosen channel.

*This might sound like an obvious step, but trust me, there have been times I have followed bio or social media links to only find a 404 error, or to end up at the completely wrong site!*


Get Involved With The Blogging Community

Join in the conversation!

There are a number of ways that you can get involved with the blogging community, which will help to increase and even double your blog traffic. The first being commenting on other peoples blogs. This is a great tactic for others to find your blog. But make sure to leave your site URL and if leaving a hyperlink I would suggest including a rel=”nofollow” tag (although most comment sections ‘nofollow’ links automatically anyway). Unless it is your first time commenting on the site and it has good metrics, you may want to consider leaving one followed link to help boost your backlink profile.

This is just one way to get involved with the blogging community to increase traffic. Others include interacting with other bloggers across social media, taking part in # blogger chats and even joining blogger groups and communities. But, this is something I can cover in a separate post if you wish?

SEO Tips for bloggers

Are You Ready To Double Your Blog Traffic?

Above are just 5 simple steps you can take to increase, and even double, your blog traffic.

I am keen to be helpful this year and to post 2-4 tips posts a month, so I can share my knowledge from blogging experience over the past three years and my full-time job in SEO, now as a content and outreach manager. Perhap even covering these topics on my Youtube channel too. If that is something you would be interested in, do let me know?

Likewise, if you have any blogging / content / social / SEO topics that you would like to know more on. Then let me know in the comments below or via Tweeting me @CharlotteLewis_ and hopefully some of you have found this post helpful! If you did, please do share with your followers via the share buttons. Thanks for reading!

Read My Last Tips Post:5 Easy Ways To Improve Your Blogging Game in 2016

