How To Be The Best Version Of YOU

Soludo Espedrilles worn by fashion blogger

In the wise words of Taylor Swift:

“Your lucky enough to be different, never change”

If you haven’t heard this quote before, then maybe take a minute to ponder over it. One thing that is great about the human race and our society is that everyone is different. We all have our own unique quirks. And this is what makes us ourselves. An individual.

In order to be the best version of you, you need to start by embracing yourself and to not be afraid to ‘just be you’. So today I am going to share five wise ways in which you can become the best version of yourself.


Think Positive

I have to admit, I am not the most naturally positive person in the world. This is something that I have to work on everyday, but it is something that has made a HUGE difference to my life and my confidence.

My first reaction is to always think the worst and be negative. But, for the past 6-12 months I have been training my brain to ‘think positive’ and counteracting my natural urge to be pessimistic. You will be surprised at what the mind can do if you haven’t yet jumped on the positive thinking bandwagon. Which is something my next tip is definitely linked to….

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Jeans, Espadrilles, Sunglasses c/o Revolve Clothing | Coat c/o Coggles | Top c/o Monki

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Suede Balenciaga Mini City Baglurchhoundloves fashion blog


Don’t happy and smiley people always seem more inviting, approachable, friendly and outgoing?

Also, if you are having a bit of a cra**y day. Or just feeling down in general. A smile will instantly lift your mood and make you feel more positive and confident. It’s infectious too, don’t you know. Grab your favourite coffee, spend time with family or your beloved furry best friend to lift you mood or just turn that frown upside down. Give it a try!


Be Kind

It doesn’t cost anything to be kind. Not only does it make others feel better, it will also make you feel better about yourself. Try by making it a mission to have at least one act of kindness per day. This could be anything from giving a compliment to letting an stranger take the last train seat.

Acts of kindness are a sure fire way to make you a more happy, positive and a friendly version of yourself.


Don’t Be Afraid To Be You

I have been there many times myself. When I’ve been too afraid to share my taste in music to those with different preferences, or to admit I love something everyone else seems to hate (E.g. Justin Bieber circa 2010) or your favourite pair of sunglasses that no one else seems to share the same admiration for.

This is also true for clothing. Before blogging there were so many items in my wardrobe I would be too scared to wear out. But now I am not afraid to wear what I want, that expresses my personality and helps me to be the best version of myself (as I am literally putting it out there for everyone to see).

Coffee by Nespresso

Be More Confident in my top picks from Revolve Clothing

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Lurcher brody on fashion blog lurchhoundlovesSoludos Espedrilles on uk fashion blog Lurchhoundloves

Act Confident

If like me, you have about as much confidence as a bale of hay, I have definitely learned that if you act confident you will feel confident. As they say:

“You have to fake it until you make it.”

For me, this stems back to school and being afraid to put my hand up in class in fear of fellow class mates thinking of me as a ‘swot’.  Or the fact that I would run back to class so that I was not late and people wouldn’t turn around to look at me (this is actually my biggest fear about getting married too!)

I guess looking at me now and the fact that I am so present online and in photographs. You may find this hard to believe. It is actually something I struggle with massively and something in the past that has prevented me from taking up new opportunities for my blog or to attend interviews after I graduated.

But, over the past few years of blogging, I have seen my confidence grow every month and I seem to have found my feet and come to terms with learning to love myself.

Confidence won’t suddenly appear over night, but if you practice ‘feeling’ confident and you mentally tell yourself that YOU ARE confident, soon it will become innate.


The best version of you

This is something that I will continue to work on, but it is something that is becoming increasingly easier. I find that naturally I am smiling more, thinking more positive and that I am not afraid to just be myself. So I hope that these tips can help some of you that might be lacking in confidence or wanting to take up a more positive outlook.

If you have any additional tips that work for you, I would love to know in the comments below or via Twitter – Tweet me @CharlotteLewis_

As always, thanks for reading and you can shop my outfit & similar items below or visit Revolve Clothing here, which is where I got my amazing new espadrilles from that just ooze confidence 😉