Getting New Year’s Eve Ready With RumChata

It won’t be long until the clocks strike midnight and we celebrate the dawn of a New Year as the bells ring in 2018. New Years for me is about spending fun times with loved ones and welcoming in another year together for making great memories. This New Year we will also be celebrating my Dad’s 60th, so it is going to be a double celebration! Food, cocktails, board games and lots of laughs, I really can’t wait for it.

[left]New Years Outfit and cocktail ideas
[/left][right] RumChata Cream Liqueur
How to make RumChata cocktails

Cocktail Making on New Year’s Eve

When celebrating a special occasion I always like to make a signature cocktail of choice for myself and my party guests. I have always been a sucker for a rum, cream-based drink, which is why I jumped at the chance to try RumChata, a light and smooth cream liqueur.

[left] RumChata Lattini
[/left][right] What to drink when getting ready to go out
RumChata Lattini pictured above
RumChata has a light base of five times distilled premium Caribbean Rum blended with the finest dairy cream from Wisconsin, vanilla, cinnamon and a secret spice mix to create the official drink of paradise. It is tasty on the rocks, but equally as satisfying in a cocktail concoction. And for this year I am excited to be hosting New Years with a RumChata Lattini!

How To Make A RumChata Lattini

35ML Vanilla Vodka

25ML Coffee Liqueur

35ML Fresh Espresso

35ml Shot of RumChata

Shake over ice, strain into a cocktail glass and then add a shot of RumChata and watch it marble!

How to make a Rum Chata Cocktail
Step By Step Images of making a RumChata Lattini
If you are a fan of an espresso martini, which I am, then this one is definitely for you. Otherwise, you can find 70 RumChata cocktail recipe inspirations here. Next on my list is their Iced Caramel Mocha and RumChata White Russian.
Lurchhoundloves style blog
RumChata Rum Cream Liqueur


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I would love to know if you have tried RumChata and what your favourite party drink is 🙂

*This post is kindly sponsored by RumChata. All words & direction are my own. Please always remember to drink responsibly and from age 18+.