Dress Up Your Confidence

UK style blogger Charlotte Buttrick from Lurchhoundloves dress up your confidence


Topshop Leather Biker Jacket and Whole9Yards Toga Dress Streetstyle


Isabel Marant Cone Heel Boots Street Style



How to dress your confidence on UK style blog Lurchhoundloves


Clothes That Make You Feel Good

It has taken me a few good years to feel comfortable wearing what I want to in public. I have always been a shy person, even if it doesn’t seem to show. If you ask my best friends from high school they will laugh at the fact that I would run back from lunch if we were close to being late for class. Because it was one of my biggest fears to have to walk into a room already full of people, watching you head across the class to your desk. Even though in reality, they probably weren’t looking at all! I am more of an introvert and I hate being the centre of attention – even on birthdays – and I still find it hard to take a compliment.

I have found with age though that I have become more confident in all aspects of my life, especially with my outfits and my wardrobe. Which is something I wish I had been NFA (‘Not F***ing Arsed’) about for a long time. Clothes really do reflect your personality and they have the ability to instantly boost your mood and make you feel confident. Whether it is due to the fit, colour or emotional attachment you have to a piece of clothing. The strength it can have to shape your day is more powerful than you think.

What I Wear To Feel Confident

What I wear to feel confident changes throughout the month. If, like recently, I’ve been working out and avoiding fatty foods and takeaways I will feel confident pairing together some high waisted jeans with a fitted long sleeve top. When I have had a huge curry the night before, PMS, feel bloated or I am just having a general “I hate how I look in everything day.” I will reach for an oversized sweater or drop hem waist dress instead. For me, dressing to feel confident is an expression of how I am feeling that given day and it also has to be an outfit I feel comfortable and my best in.


Whole9Yards Toga Garden Dress on fashion blogger Charlotte Buttrick

Topshop Boutique Leather Biker Jacket Street Style


Whole9Yards Toga Garden Dress Street Style


“Dress Up Your Confidence”

If you read my last blog post on my 2018 goals you will have spotted that one of them is to read more books. I am already cracking on with this goal by finishing my ‘Million Dollar Blog’ book. Inside of which one of the chapters asks you to define what you stand for, which for me is dressing in outfits that make you feel good and help you to feel more confident. So as a tagline for Lurchhoundloves I came up with the phrase/statement: Dress up your confidence.

When you dress up your confidence you can throw all style rules and trends out of the window (if you want to). Instead of dressing in what you think you should be wearing, because you have seen it in the window of H&M or it is what the hottest celebrities of the moment are wearing. Who cares, if you feel uncomfortable in it, or it doesn’t suit your style then you probably shouldn’t be wearing it.

The key to dressing up your confidence is picking out items from your wardrobe that you will feel good in on that day and pairing them as you wish. Look at me in today’s photos, I am wearing a high end dress from Whole9Yards with a roll-neck underneath, my trusty Topshop leather biker jacket, some Isabel Marant inspired cone heel boots from Daniel Footwear and my new Pinko love bag (that I am a little bit obsessed with). It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but I like it and I felt great wearing it!

What is your favourite outfit to wear & dress up your confidence with?

I would love to know in the comments section below your thoughts on dressing to feel confident and outfits that make YOU feel good 🙂



Pinko love Handbag grey with pearls

P.S. James shot these photos for me at night and I am really pleased with how they came out 😀

Fashion Blogger Charlotte Buttrick in Topshop leather biker jacket


Dress c/o Whole9Yards

Topshop Leather Jacket

Boots c/o Daniel Footwear – Find the Isabel Marant pair here

Chicwish rollback (old)

Love Bag c/o Pinko