How To Style a Cape

UK Fashion Blog Lurch Hound LovesFashion Blog cape and ripped jeans street style


The Cape | Your No:1 Layering Companion

With the cold weather over the Winter in the UK, I am forever looking for warmth in my wardrobe and layering has been a key tactic for achieving this.

Most days, in fact, I have been reaching for a trusty cape to keep me warm. They instantly transform any outfit and are also so easy to remove should you get too hot.


My top tips for styling a cape are:

1  Avoid anything that looks like you’re wearing a blanket

2  Pick out a colour from your cape and compliment it with your outfit (like I have with the red and grey)

3  Go casual by adding a pair of trainers for extra comfort

4  Have fun with it!

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How will you be wearing your cape?

I’ve picked my favourite items below (including capes) for you to re-create my look…