The Best Body Oils For Tackling Stretch Marks & Cellulite

body oils for stretch marks and cellulite - bio oil and temple spa

Two Body Oils For Summer Confidence

For the third instalment of my Summer beauty series, I wanted to share with you two body oils that have been working their magic on my stretch marks, cellulite and thread veins. Not only have they helped to improve their appearance, they have also helped to make me feel body confident for Summer and my wedding holiday and honeymoon abroad.

So here are my two recommendations for anyone who is looking to use some products that will boost their confidence when it comes to baring all in a bikini, in public…eeeeek!

*BIO OIL: The Stretch Mark Remover

This won’t be the first time that you have heard it. But, there really isn’t anything that can beat how effective Bio Oil is at helping to improve stretch marks and skin imperfections. Whether you are applying this miracle oil to scars or silver marks, you can’t deny the work it does on your skin.

I have a fair few silver lines and stretch marks across my hips, top of my thighs and on my bum. This is from fluctuating in weight at university between a size 8 and 14 probably two or three times, from crash diets, binge eating and booze. Of course, at this stage of my life I was either our partying or stressing about exams. So, I didn’t really take care of my body and I definitely was not moisturising daily!

So, Bio Oil has been helping me to restore my confidence in improving my stretch marks so that I can feel more confident baring my body bits in an iddy biddy bikini!

Are you a fan of Bio Oil?

*Templa Spa: The Cellulite Cure

Although this is a massage and energiser oil, it works wonders on your cellulite! I was recommended this product to help increase circulation in my thighs – where I have spider veins – and have found that this product has worked wonders on the cellulite I have on my bum too.

I find massaging this oil in on a daily basis to be quite therapeutic. It smells amazing and has definitely helped to firm my skin, whilst reducing the appearance of my cellulite too.

Has anyone else tried Temple Spa in Good Spirits?