Beauty Tech and Tools YOU NEED on Your Radar

Beauty Tech To Try in 2017

All in the Name of Beauty

Beauty and skincare techniques and products are constantly evolving. As I am getting older – shout out to anyone else in their thirties – I am experimenting with more ways to slow down the ageing process and trying to put more effort into looking after my skin. In fact, I have been testing a fair few new beauty tech products in the past weeks and I thought I would share my favourites with you and how I have been getting on with them. I also miss writing beauty posts, so if I get chance I would like to introduce some more on lurchhoundloves.

So let’s begin…

[left]Beauty tools you need to know about[/left][right]Love my skin red light therapy review on beauty blog Manchester[/right]

[left]Using red light therapy to get rid of scares and wrinkles[/left][right]

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a technique that is said to increase the production of collagen in the skin, to help reduce the appearance of fine lines whilst improving the texture of your skin at the same time. To test this technology I have been using the Love My Skin Anti-Ageing pen. This compact tool uses disposable batteries and is the perfect travel size for fitting in your beauty bag.

To operate you press the light button and it stays on for 60 seconds each time. For this time you keep the pen on the area of skin you would like to treat. Moving around your face for every 60 second treatment until you are done.

I mainly use this on a scar I have on the side of my nose from my nose job, as the production of collagen has been helping to plump the skin and to smooth out the scar. I truly believe that this has worked for me. I have seen a huge improvement in my scar and the skin is finally filling out.

Other areas I have been targeting include the fine line between my eyes – probably from frowning! – and some fine lines I have on the left side of my lip. One thing that would be handy would be a bigger red light so I could get more coverage per 60 seconds, but then it wouldn’t be so compact and easy to travel with.

The Love My Skin Anti-Ageing Pen is £39.99 and is available from


how to make your lips bigger and skin look younger with beauty tools and tech [left]


In as little as five days the Skin Renewal Treatment from Swiss Clinic can help to improve your complexion. To some, the roller may look like a little torture tool rather than a beauty aid. But, I can assure you, although slightly uncomfortable at first this isn’t too painful 🙂

STEP ONE is to use the skin roller, which has 540 micro-needles, to roll across the skin. These little needles pierce the surface of the skin, causing the skin to respond as if it has been damaged; we all know the power of the skin to heal itself from cuts and bruises don’t we? This process helps the skin to produce more collagen during the repairing process, which helps to keep skin youthful and full of elasticity.

STEP TWO is to apply the Swiss Clinic Rejuvenating Serum, which stimulates and renews the skin to help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and scars. This product feels so luxurious from the packaging to the product’s texture and overall experience.

The Swiss Clinic Skin Rejuvenating Treatment has been another weapon in helping to reduce the scar on my nose. I saw a noticeable difference to my complexion within 7 days of using the duo too.

The Swiss Clinic Rejuvenating Treatment is available from £99 exclusively to

[/left][right]Red light therapy for wrinkles review [/right]

Swiss Clinic serum and derma roller beauty review[left]Silicone makeup sponge review  [/left][right]


When it comes to applying makeup we have evolved from using our fingers to brushes, sponges and now silicone! The next beauty tool I have been carrying around with me religiously in my makeup bag is the Makeupdrop silicone applicator. This nifty tool is great for applying foundation without soaking up loads of your product, which sponges do. Meaning your foundation lasts for longer! To clean all you simply do is wash and go. Also, it applies really easily as it glides across the skin. I would just recommend putting some serum on first to help it apply smoothly.



If you fancy a fuller pout – I mean who doesn’t – but you don’t fancy having injections, which I definitely am I bit scare of. Then, you can try the KISS plumping kit instead! It instantly increases lip volume in less than 3 minutes and helps to reduce lip lines. After 4-6 weeks of use daily you will start to see results. This for me has been a great tool for helping to reduce the fine lines I have around my lip lines. As, I would say I have rather plump lips already.

The PMD Kiss Lip Plumping System is available for £99 from


[left]Tech & Tools to enchance your beauty [/left][right]Tool to plump your lips review! [/right]