A Wedding Thank You

Father and bride in Ronald Joyce Esther low back dress - Cyprus Wedding

In the words of Anne Hathaway:

“Weddings are important because they celebrate life and possibility”

The union of two best friends, declaring their love and life promises for each other, in front of their closest friends and family. Confirms not only that true love does still exist, but that commitment, hope and dreams can happen. Everyone will tell you that your wedding day will be the best day of your life. And they are not wrong.

Three weeks ago tomorrow, James and I got married under the Cypriot sun and although the day seemed to fly by. I made sure that I savoured every single moment of it. And boy, was it good.

Our wedding day would not have been what it was without all of the helping hands from our friends and family, who travelled to Cyprus with us, were all hands on deck and made our big day possible. So I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone. It really made our big day special.

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Times Change.

But Our Bond Remains

One important relationship and role throughout the wedding is the father of the bride.

Not only was it a big day for me, but it was also the day that my Dad gave me away as I said goodbye to being a Lewis and embarked on my new life stage as Mrs. Buttrick.

Having my Dad by my side to walk me down the isle and give me away, was a very special moment and a relationship that I wanted to celebrate with a wedding gift from Links of London.

A father and daughter relationship is a special one. And although I am no longer a Lewis, our relationship will continue to stay the same.

To symbolise that as time goes by, our father daughter bond will remain. I thought that a watch was the perfect thank you gesture for my Dad. This Links of London wedding gift is both a keepsake and reminder of my wedding day and our relationship.


See Here for more Bridal and Wedding gift ideas from Links of London.

Links of London Father of the bride gift

Links of London Brompton Black Stainless Steel Chronograph Watch 

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