The best wireless bluetooth mini radio

We have all most likely been there. Those days where just nothing seems to be going right for you, or you just can’t shake off a bad mood or feelings of self pity and / or loathing. As I write this, I am feeling deflated and my usual smile has instead been replaced with feelings of angst and self doubt.

I guess, as men say, women are complicated creatures and I for one know that my mood swings can go from high to low at a drop of a hat. Thanks to my good old hormones and PCOS, I have always had an ‘all or nothing’ mentality, which often affects my thoughts towards myself and my self worth.


How do you get out of your funk?

Whether is is a busy work schedule that is getting you down or frustration that you feel in a creative rut, or are not happy with the content you are creating. Which is something I am questioning at the moment, on top of wedding planning and daily duties that life brings with it. In today’s post I thought I would share with you some of the sure fire tricks that lift my mood when I feel like I am stuck in a rabbit hole of self doubt. So I hope that the five ways I overcome self doubt can help some of you too.


1. Retail Therapy

We all know that a bit of retail therapy can do wonders for your self esteem. Just make sure that you check your bank account first, as you don’t want to make any crazy purchases that you will later be crying over when you see your bank statement. If you are looking for a pocket friendly lift me up then you can get uplifting and amusing slogan jumpers and tees from Rad.co, like the Avocados I am wearing below!

Avocado jumper on fashion blog lurchhoundloveslistening to music to lift your mood


2. Exercise

Working out is probably one of the best stress management tools that I have in my life right now. There is something so euphoric about a post workout high, and it is always great to pound the pavement or punch the air to get our any hidden frustration and clear your head. Not only is it great for your mind, but it has the added benefits of giving you a better body too.


3. Get Lost In Some Music

When I am feeling down or de-motivated, there is nothing better than putting in some uplifting music that will help to put a smile back on my face and a drive in my belly. For this, I usually turn to Spotify and lately I have been loving listening to their discover weekly playlists or Friday’s new releases, blasting out of my Emie bluetooth speaker, which I can handily transfer from room to room with me. Which, believe it or not, comes in handy for cleaning sessions in particular!

WHy you need a bluetooth wireless radio


4. Be Positive

This may sound like an obvious point, but can also be the hardest. When you are feeling down try to think about all the positive things you have in your life. I find that it helps to either jot these down or to repeat them in my head – a little like a meditation of re-affirmation. You may be suprised how it can help to lift you from your funk.


5. Have Fun With Family & Friends (or pets!)

Nothing lifts your spirits more than being around the people you love. Whether you catch up with your best friend over coffee. Plan a fun day bowling, do something spontaneous or just cuddle your favourite pet (Brody cuddles are the best when I am feeling down BTW). Laugh, smile and you will soon be feeling like yourself again.


listening to music to lift your mood


Kicking Self Doubt’s Butt!

Unfortunately, I think that self doubt is something I will always battle with. It stems from lack of confidence at school and always shying away from putting my hand up or presentations. But, with the above steps I have found ways to manage my moods and kick self doubt’s butt whenever it creeps up on me.

Do you ever struggle with self doubt? If so, you’re not alone. I can probably guarantee that 99% of us get these feelings and you would be surprised that some of the seemingly most confident people battle such issues too. After all, we are just human beings.

Thanks for reading today’s post. If you have any tips that work for you when overcoming self doubt, do let me know in the comments below so I can give them a try next time he comes to town!