10 Ways to Grow your Blog into a Profitable Business

How to make your fashion blog successful - blogging tips

Lurchhoundloves.com started as a hobby, became my passion & progressively grew into a business

Here’s how I did it…

How to turn your blog into a business

High street fashion blogger wearing velvet coat - Lurchhoundloves

How I Turned My Blog Into A Business

A Background into My Blogging Journey

For those of you that don’t know my blogging journey. Lurchhoundloves started out as a hobby, where I would document my outfits and share them online on a Blogspot URL. Which, in all honesty was something to do when my now husband, then boyfriend, plays golf at the weekend. Back when I started around three years ago, I never imagined that I would be lucky enough to collaborate with many of the fabulous brands I have been lucky enough to work with, let alone to make a salary from it and see a number of unbelievable opportunities come my way.

Nothing comes for free and I have worked hard for it.

Sacrificing every weekend and my evenings to work over seeing friends or spending more quality time with James or relaxing. I rarely taking any time off – except for my recent digital break over Christmas, which was highly needed and has boosted my brain & ideas for blogging in 2017!

As well as being employed full-time – I work as a content and outreach manager in Manchester and have been working in the digital arena for 5 years. I also obtain additional income via my blog, which as a business turns me a profit.

That being said and being completely honest, my blog’s turnover has grown year on year for the past few years and I am now at the point where I could leave my full time job and still be able to pay my mortgage and all of my bills. But, I actually enjoy going to my 9-5 and although I may be shooting myself in the foot by never giving myself any spare time and missing out on PR events and meetings that happen in the day – although most of these tend to be in London, not Manchester anyway. I have managed to juggle both of my jobs for a long time now and it has just become the norm. Also, I don’t want to give up the additional cash that allows me to save or occasionally splurge on designer wardrobe staples! So although going full-time into blogging / freelancing is something I have always wanted to work towards. I am not ready to take the plunge just yet.

Also, in other exciting news, I have been given the opportunity to work with Fragrance Direct this year to create monthly beauty videos for their Youtube channel. Which, I will also be sharing / uploading to my own YouTube channel too.

Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel so you don’t miss a video!

Read: How Taking A Break Boosted My Productivity and Creativity

how to earn money from your fashion blog - Lurchhoundloves by Charlotte Buttrick wearing REVOLVE
Topshop star print cami and REVOLVE red wrap skirt on UK style blog
UK Style Blogger Charlotte Buttrick, Lurchhoundloves street style

2017 Blog Business Goals

Without turning this tips post into a life story! This year I am determined to boss 2017 and see where even more hard work and dedication can take Lurchhoundloves. I want to take you on this journey with me. Sharing with you updates on my progress and also tips on how you can do the same too. I also have so many ideas at the moment that I want to create, I just hope I have the time to do it!

To start, I thought I would begin this series off with how to grow your blog into a business, for those of you looking to start earning income from your blog. Or, those looking to take it to the next level, we can support each other and do this together!

I didn’t want this blog post to go on for days. So, I have written 10 short points below – as I could talk all day on this if I let myself. So, if you want any additional blog posts on any of the points below. Just let me know in the comments. Perhaps I will even do 10 future blog posts in this series. One for each point. So let me know what you think!

UK Fashion Blogger Charlotte Buttrick - how to grow your fashion blog
Saint Laurent Monogram bag and ankle boots on fashion blog

10 Quick Tips To Turn Your Blog into A Business


Tip 1: Establish your niche, target audience and brand message

Know who you are targetting and what you are selling to them. Keeping in line with your brand message and objectives.

Tip 2: Get Your blog design and navigation in full working order.

Also making sure that all branding is the same across all of your platforms (social, blog) and your website is SEO optimised.

Tip 3: Create a branded media pack, emails & business cards.

This is something I am currently in the process of upgrading . So let me know if you would like a post on this when I have done it.

Tip 4: Build Your Social Media Channels and be active, daily.

20%+ of my blog traffic comes from social media activity. Are you utilising your social accounts?

Tip 5: Have you got a skill you can freelance?

If so, you can do this on the side for additional cash. Such as, blogger outreach, content writing for other brand’s blogs, blog design templates etc.

Tip 6: Would a business do that for free?

If the answer is no. Then you shouldn’t be either.

Tip 7: Build your contacts.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to PR companies, go to events, meet people, mingle and promote your brand!

Tip 8: Be Polite. Don’t forget your manners.

P’s and Q’s get you a long way and PRs will remember your friendly and polite interactions.

Tip 9: Register for tax (HMRC if in the UK).

So make sure to keep records of all incomings / outgoings or visit an accountant for more information. I am set up as a sole trader, it is the dream to be registered as a limited company down the line, which is what I am aiming for!

10: Invest in your blog and Keep Going!

Trust me. Hard work pays off. I know this sounds like such a cliche, but it is so true. You will get back what you put in and more. So keep going and investing in equipment / new blog designs / clothes etc.

how to make a profit from your fashion blog - Lurchhoundloves blogging tips


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P.S After putting this post together, I am aware of how painfully pale I am! As these shots were taken before Christmas my nose was only at about 3 weeks post nose job here. But subscribe to my YouTube channel here – youtube.com/charlottebuttrick – so you don’t miss a 6 week nose job update, which will be coming in a video on Sunday. Have a great week everyone!