10 Goals I Want To Achieve in 2018

Charlotte Buttrick UK High Street Fashion Blogger


Blonde Lurcher Brody with fashion blogger Charlotte Buttrick on Lurchhoundloves


Kendra Scott Jewellery on UK Fashion Blogger


Pinko Love Bag in Grey on Fashion Blog

I’m not usually one for New Years resolutions. I rarely stick to them past January but this year I am trying to be more disciplined with my habits, personally and professionally. It would also be great to work on my willpower to know that if I set my mind to something I can actually achieve it. I am in fact doing Dry January, so I will let you know how I get on in February! In order to be more motivated I wanted to put together a post sharing my goals for 2018 that I would like to achieve. It can be a reminder to myself to look at this post and will also be interesting to see which goals I can actually achieve. The gorgeous Megan Ellaby has done 1/2 year goal posts, which you can read here and here, which I have found really inspiring.

Here’s My 10 Goals For 2018…

Charlotte Buttrick UK Style Blogger and her Lurcher


Fashion blogger with Pinko Love Bag in Grey Lurchhoundloves


Get Strong & Find My Abs

I have always been a gym goer, although my visits have been a bit sporadic! Before Christmas I really got into going to the gym and incorporating more weights into my routine. I find it great for stress relief and I really started to see a difference from resistance training (before I drank and ate everything in sight over Christmas and New Years ).

In 2018 I would like to stick to a routine of 3/4 gym visits a week including one leg day, one arm day, one cardio session and a HIIT / Abs routine (which I will most likely do at home as I hate doing matt work in the gym). If my fitness journey is something you would like to see on my blog, Instagram stories or my YouTube channel, let me know in the comments below 🙂

Become A Topshop Girl

A brand that I have always dreamed of working with is Topshop. I am a huge fan of their aesthetic, clothing (you all know of my Topshop velvet jacket by now) and I practically live in their straight leg jeans because I have a pair in each colour! I’m forever looking at their ‘New In’ section each week and look to the styling of their models for outfit inspiration. If I could collaborate with one brand in 2018 I would love to become a Topshop Girl – a girl can dream big right!

Read More Books

I seem to have a constant struggle with pulling myself away from mindless reality tv shows on E4, ITVB, Living and E! Before I know it I can consume 2-4 hours in one sitting. Although I don’t think I will ever shake my reality fix addiction I would love to find more time to read. Unlikely to be fiction, unless I am on holiday, I want to immerse myself in style, blogging and personal improvement books. I have a pretty hefty stack to get through as I am forever buying them and not picking them up!


fashion bloggers and their dogs charlotte and lurcher brody from Lurchhoundloves


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fashion blogger styling Pinko love bag with cords corduroy jacket

Visit New Destinations

I would like to travel more in 2018 if possible and to visit new places I have never been to before. Although, saying that, I do really want to go back to Mexico. But I also want to visit more new places in the UK and overseas, so hopefully I will be able to update you soon with some travel plans. Ironically I am typing up this post in the car on our way to the Cotswolds for New Year, which is a new destination I can tick off my list!

Use Instagram Stories More

I have recently fallen back in love with Instagram – if you would like to you can follow me @charlottebuttrick. I have managed to finally get to grips with taking my own photos with a tripod at the weekends but I still feel a bit awkward on Instagram stories. Also, due to working Mon-Fri I don’t tend to share much as I am at work, but I want to make more of an effort to share my daily outfits and what I am up to in the gym or at home.

Find More Time For Friends

I’m not going to turn into Jim Carey’s ‘Yes’ Man, but I would like to take up more opportunities to spend time with my friends. I find it hard to balance my full-time job, blogging, gym going and personal life sometimes. When I feel overwhelmed I also have a tendency to shut myself off and spend time alone at home in the bath, over working or watching more reality TV. In 2018 I want to make sure I see friends at least once a week (or every other week if I am super busy), forget about work and have some fun!

Get More Sleep!

I have always been a terrible at sleeping. My mind never seems to shut off and for some reason when the lights go off and my head hits the pillow my thoughts are multiplied! I am going to try a few things like herbal tea before bed, going upstairs earlier and reading a book, not looking at my phone for 30-60 minutes before bed and jotting down what is on my mind in a notepad that I can leave on my bedside table. If anyone has any tips for getting a good nights sleep I would love for you to share them with me.

Cord jacket and Pinko love bag street style

[left]Glamorous midi dress on affordable fashion blog


Keep On Top Of My Mess

When I clean or have a clear out I go OCD and everything has to be done in one go. Then there are other times where I can let the washing, piles of clothes and an unorganised desk build up to the point where I blow up over all of the mess. For example, on Christmas Day I decided at 12pm to tidy up and clear out my dressing room and before I knew it it was 3.30am in the morning!

In 2018 I want to keep on top of boring house chores and to also keep on top of my Depop with regular uploads each month, as at the moment I have two suitcases of items I need to list that have been sat in my study for months. I guess to tackle this challenge head on I need to find a better work, blog, housework & life balance!

If you want to follow me on Depop you can find me by searching ‘lurchhoundloves’ or here. I promise I will try and get my listed items up ASAP!

Buy Myself A Pair Of Stuart Weitzman Lowland Boots

This is a superficial goal, but one that correlates with my work ethic. I have been lusting after a pair of Stuart Weitzman Lowland boots and have been looking at discounted pairs in the sales, but they tend to be burgundy’s and blues etc. I would love to be able to treat myself to a black or grey pair without feeling guilty at spending £700 on them. I wear my Gucci loafers and use my Givenchy Antigona all of the time, which I bought myself for my 30th Birthday. So maybe I should but them for my 31st; any excuse hey 🙂

One personal achievement goal is to work hard enough to be able to add a pair of these boots to my shoe collection, as I know they are a style I will wear year on year and I am really struggling to find a flat high street pair of thigh high boots that fit my feet or stay up when I am walking tbh!

Blonde Lurcher Brody with fashion blogger Charlotte Buttrick on Lurchhoundloves

Hit 10K on YouTube & 30K On Instagram

I know that it isn’t a numbers game and that is never my goal when creating content. But, I would be lying if I said it doesn’t feel like an achievement to see your audience grow and feel that people are enjoying what you put out there. In 2018 I would love to grow my YouTube channel, I already feel so much more relaxed in front of the camera and I want to put together more style videos and also share my rambling personality – my intros seem to take up half my videos lol. I would also like to set myself the goal of growing my Instagram to 30k as for the past 6 months I seem to be at a standstill on the platform. Also when I hit 10K on YouTube or 30K on Instagram – whichever comes first – I will be giving away my favourite accessory – The Gucci Belt!

Follow me On Instagram @charlottebuttrick – For daily Instagram Stories & outfit inspiration that doesn’t always make the blog.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Here – For weekly uploads (on Thursdays) on fashion/style & to get to know me better

Have you got any goals for 2018?

I would love to know what your goals for 2018 are and if you also put together a blog post on them please do share the URL with me 🙂

Here is to achieving whatever you want to set your mind to in 2018, nothing is impossible and the sky is the limit so never doubt yourself!

High Street Fashion Blogger Charlotte with her Lurcher Brody


Midi Dress c/o Glamorous

Boots c/o Seven Boot Lane

Love Bag c/o Pinko – shop here

Corduroy Jacket c/o The Cords Co.

Jewellery c/o Kendra Scott